German Supply Chain Act (LkSG)
German Supply Chain Act (LkSG) came in to force from January 2023 on companies with at least 3,000 employees in Germany. Starting January 2024, it will be applicable to companies with 1,000 employees. Our ESG Suite comprises of LkSG Risk Manager module to support any company to fulfill the risk management requirements set by BAFA.
Implement LkSG safely and easily
On June 11, 2021, the German Bundestag passed the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG for short), which redefines the basis for various corporate practices. It has been in force since January 1, 2023 and affects companies with more than 3,000 employees. From January 2024, it will also apply to companies with 1000 employees. This law aims to ensure compliance with human rights and environmental standards in international supply chains.
With SupplyOn’s LkSG Risk Manager, companies can now seamlessly fulfill requirements set by Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA) for risk management system. Companies can now easily carry out abstract risk analysis of their suppliers, prioritize their high risk suppliers and conduct concrete risk analysis, set preventative measures, request remedial actions for any identified risks, work on their measure management and by create a BAFA report.
Watch how LkSG Risk Manager works
Requirements of LkSG risk management
- Have a risk management system
- Continuous risk analysis
- Have preventative measures in place
- Take remedial actions
- Consider direct and indirect suppliers
- Document and report
LkSG Risk Manager
- Complete supplier mapping up to n tier
- Abstract risk analysis
- Concrete risk analysis
- Preventative measures
- Remedial actions
LkSG risk manager has automated workflow built in that runs risk analysis almost automatically
Turn Key Software
Activate the software within 48 hours and get started with your LkSG compliance
Entire software is developed according to fulfill the guidelines of BAFA, which is also assessed by a renown law firm
N tier Supplier Mapping
Stay ahead and already take advantage of sub tier mapping and due diligence to comply with future EU CSDDD
Factsheet Lieferkettengesetz
In our free factsheet, find which companies are coming under LkSG affect and the specific requirements:
- What is LkSG?
- What are the requirements set by BAFA?
- How to prepare for coming EU CSDDD?
- What SupplyOn’s LkSG Risk Manager covers?
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